Diesel or Gas Truck for Lawn Care Business

Diesel or Gas Truck for Lawn Care Business?? Which do you prefer? I chose a diesel for it’s better fuel mileage and it pulling power. Also, diesel trucks typ…

14 Responses to Diesel or Gas Truck for Lawn Care Business

  1. TopNotchLawns February 19, 2015 at 1:14 pm #

    diesel or gas truck?? Which do you prefer??

  2. B&B Lawn Care and Property Services LLC February 19, 2015 at 1:21 pm #

    That’s a sick truck man!?

  3. Dandy Lawn February 19, 2015 at 1:54 pm #

    I had a diesel before everyone was driving them around. I loved it but it
    got costly over time. I have a gas now older so its old school which is OK
    because then I can work on it if needed. If I had the extra money I would
    stay with gas only because I keep all my customers close to me and I think
    the cost of the maintenance would be less. I will let you know at the end
    of the year how that goes.?

  4. Greene Scapes February 19, 2015 at 2:23 pm #

    Hey my 03 f150 with a 4.6 v8 pulls my 7×14 enclosed trailer. And 270k all
    original miles on her, can tell there is a load on it especially when going
    up a hill, but she pulls and that’s what matters. I’d like a diesel but
    hell if my 4.6 can pull my trailer any gasser can.. I’ll look into a diesel
    when I start hauling big toys like Bob cats and stuff, till then a gas
    truck does just fine. And I see all these guys that have them and don’t
    even tow… like what’s the point if you are never going to hook it to

  5. Romero lawn care February 19, 2015 at 3:18 pm #

    Holy crap you look like you been losing some weight. ?

  6. Schut Lawn Service February 19, 2015 at 4:10 pm #

    I have one of each and personally I would prefer gas unless your towing a
    lot of weight I haul my dump trailer with my 1500 once and a while just
    have to take it easy on it. On the other end of things my 3500 handles the
    weight a lot better just a old 6.5td so not much power but decent torque.
    Bumping up to a 2500 isn’t all about the weight you can tow it’s how it
    handles the load your towing. I do all my own maintenance working on
    diesels aren’t fun or cheap. ?

  7. Lincoln Landscaping Ltd. February 19, 2015 at 8:28 pm #

    I’d go diesel if I knew a good diesel mechanic in town and if I knew more
    about them myself. Until then I’ll keep with gas. I’d like to get a ford
    7.3 diesel cause I think I could find someone who would know how to work on
    those engines because of their popularity back in the day. ?

  8. lawnchaser February 19, 2015 at 10:45 pm #

    I was told by diesel mechanics that a diesel truck is only going to get
    better fuel mileage when towing. But just commuting. A gas is going to get
    better fuel mileage. Most diesels usually average about 12 to 13 mpg. 16 at
    most. My truck averages about 16 mpg in city. 19 on the highway. I also did
    research on diesels too. A diesel mat be good to have but not if all you’re
    towing is a 5×8 or 6×12 trailer. But if you’re hauling.alot of equipment
    then yes a diesel is going to be a better option?

  9. zmann422 February 19, 2015 at 11:44 pm #

    With having a diesel truck you need to work the truck. Just going from one
    lawn to another isnt the best for a diesel because your not able to warm it
    up. My father has a 2014 f-550 powerstroke and we can drive across town and
    it isnt even warmed up. Personally I would have both. A gas truck for my
    lawns during the summer and a diesel truck for the winter for snowplowing
    becasue i know iam goin to work the truck harder. Plus diesels have a
    longer life then gas. What i mean by that it will be longer before you need
    to do a major engine over hall. This is just my personal opinion.?

  10. Brandon Sawdon February 19, 2015 at 11:51 pm #

    Duramax diesel or power stroke diesel is the only way to go?

  11. Johnny Mow February 20, 2015 at 3:20 am #

    I like your truck. Nice!!?

  12. Small Business & Fitness February 22, 2015 at 10:41 pm #

    Gas all the way, the diesel can get better mpg and be efficient with a chip
    or programer. However repairs and up keep on diesels are the devil! Not to
    mention plugging them in on cold winter days lol.?

  13. McKinley Landscaping February 24, 2015 at 1:50 pm #

    Diesels are great! They last a lot longer as you said.(And they sound
    better!!!) Stay with those GMC/Chevrolets. They are solidly built trucks,
    so good decision.?

  14. rbljackson March 5, 2015 at 6:41 pm #

    Nice truck. Been a geek to freak fan for a long time, and run a lawn care
    business myself and found your channel. Quick question….is there a lift
    kit or leveling kit on that truck, and what size tires are on there? I have
    a 2000 chevy long bed 2500, and its going to need tires soon. Id like to go
    a bit larger than stock, and draw a little more attention to the truck, and
    looking to get the stance similar to yours…thanks in advance! Oh..mine’s
    a gasser. Nothing wrong with the diesels either though..each has their

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