Will diesel fuel kill fruit if sprayed on the orchard floor with round-up?

My father wanted to get a good kill on the grass in our apple orchard, so he mixed 1 gallon of dieself fuel with the usual amount of RoundUp. Now our apples are turning a bright red and dropping, even those we didn’t use a thinning spray on. It this the result of the diesel fuel? If so, how long of an effect will the diesel fuel have on the trees? What about our crop next year? Will the apples that survive be unedible?

One Response to Will diesel fuel kill fruit if sprayed on the orchard floor with round-up?

  1. mr_meouw_meouw January 26, 2010 at 4:54 am #

    When properly used, Roundup is effective on all but the most tenacious weeds without any help from inappropriate additives.

    You might be lucky and keep your trees if the amount of diesel does not add up to much given the area sprayed(unknown).A little diesel goes a long way and the tree roots won’t like it at all, being highly delicate where they take up water.

    I would say that you need to get the fruit tested for contamination by diesel, whether for commercial sale or domestic consumption.

    I don’t think this is a situation where things can be predicted, but if you have some heavy rainfall, I think that should help.

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