Let’s Rant About The Gas Prices

?Let’s Rant About The Gas Prices

In our everyday lives, there are a few things that we need in order to survive. A few things that I can think off the top of my head are food and gasoline. At first you might read the gasoline and think, “”Well, we really don’t need gasoline to survive.”” But hear me out on this one before you’re so quick to judge.

When you sit back and think of gasoline, think of everything It powers. From cars to the buses you use for public transportation. Just about anything you use in today’s world to transport from point A to point B is most likely going to use gasoline. As America changes and the technology changes, one can only hope that gasoline will change as well. Many people have their theories on why gas won’t change but sooner or later, there will be changes. Just like the TV and phone, look at far we have gone just over the past couple years!

The way I think of gas is like this. If I can take a picture of myself on my cell phone here in the United States and send it to you via a cell phone to someone in Japan within seconds, why can’t we make automobiles and our whole transportation system run on something that is completely economic friendly and something that doesn’t put a burden on our wallets.

No matter what you’re using right now, I guarantee you that gas played a factor in it somehow. There are very few things that don’t require gasoline to get it where it is today. Let’s take a computer for example. You can stare at it and think to yourself, “”well, it doesn’t take gasoline to burn it”” We have to think outside the box here and realize that the computer probably came from a warehouse and what took the computer from point A to point B. If you haven’t guessed it within two seconds by now, the answer would be a truck. Now, I know most people will say that trucks are run by diesel fuel and I know this but we have to think of gas and diesel as a whole market.

Right now there are changes in the fuel market that are slowly going but like anything that comes out such as a hybrid vehicle; the prices are going to be a little high. Like anything though, these prices are going to slowly drop as the technology gets older. Let’s look at a microwave for example. When these things came out, they were hundreds of dollars. You can now go up to your local wal-mart and pick one up for less than $50.

Gas prices and gas technology will change for the better one day. When? Only the future holds that answer. In the meantime, it’s important that we find ways to save on gas. There are tons out there and your driving habits alone can save you a lot of money annually! In the meantime, we just have to sit back and wait for this sector to slowly change.

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