?Water to Hydrogen Generator – The Intelligent Way to Build Your Own Water to Hydrogen Generator

Most of us have been conditioned to believe that hydrogen gas is dangerous and rightly so – think Hindenburg. You’re probably asking yourself – why would anyone want to build a water to hydrogen generator? Well, for the record, pure hydrogen is very dangerous, but that is not the what we’re talking about here. Makes you wonder why automobile manufacturers are trying to find a safe way of storing hydrogen gas to market hydrogen fuel vehicles to the public. Could it be that they want you to continue to rely on them for expensive solutions?

Hydrogen is the most abundant element here on earth. Years ago, some smart people discovered a process that makes a form of hydrogen gas – called HHO, that is safe enough to power your engine, burns more efficiently than gasoline, and is cleaner than fossil fuel. You can build your own water to hydrogen generator for about the amount that a barrel of oil will cost in several months, and a few hours of your time. You are probably wondering why you have never heard about this alternative fuel.

Well, big oil companies, cartels, automobile manufacturers and governments would prefer to keep things just the way that they are. They have gotten so fat off of the billions in profits that they would do anything to keep the “”gravy train”” rolling- and I mean ANYTHING! If you had a “”cash cow”” that the entire world

Don’t take my word for it, or anyone’s word for that matter; I strongly encourage you to investigate this amazing technology for yourself. Using simple tap water, you can build a water to hydrogen generator for less than $200.00 and with parts you can easily find at the hardware store. Heck, you might have most of the parts lying around in your basement or garage.

The project is one that can be handle by virtually anyone with basic do-it-yourself skills. There are several excellent easy to follow guides from which to choose, all contain the step-by-step instructions, pictures, and diagrams you’ll need to complete the installation. Some manuals are more comprehensive than other, but whether you are a novice or more advanced, the project is relatively easy.

When I use the phrase “”run your car on water”” it is more accurate to state that you can convert your vehicle to run on HHO gas and gasoline. By installing a water to hydrogen generator (hydrogen conversion kit, or water fuel kit) you are fitting your car, truck, or SUV to create this HHO gas on an “”as needed”” basis; therefore, there is no need for a “”storage “”system.

Upon creation the HHO gas (vapor) is injected into the intake manifold, travels to the combustion chamber, mixes with the gasoline or diesel fuel, and creates a highly efficient fuel combination that could – at a minimum, double your gas mileage. This fuel mixture doesn’t pollute the atmosphere, will make your engine run smoother and quieter, and increases the power of your engine. An addition, your engine will last longer because of less wear and tear on rings, pistons, cylinders, and valve. Can you say “”lower maintenance costs.””

This is really what they call a no-brainer! The eBook and parts will cost you less than $200.00. There are many people who are spending that amount each month to fill up their gas tanks. What if you could cut that amount in half through better fuel economy? Remember, you can use this technology on cars, trucks (SEMI-TRAILERS and RVs TOO), and SUVs. If you have a household where there are multiple vehicles, you’re talking some serious cash savings here. Do yourself a favor and go to the site below to read the review on the Top 3 Guides for learning how to build a water to hydrogen generator.

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